1) T-Rex's roar really loud.
2) Stegosauruses have plates on their back.
3) Triceratops have horns on their head.
4) All dinosaurs say roar.
5) There are a lot of things dinosaurs can do.
What we want to find out
1) How do T-Rex's roar?
2) Why do dinosaurs roar so much?
3) Why do dinosaurs have noses?
What we did.
1) The Dinosaur Song You Tube Dinosaur Song
What we learned.
They lived 65 “many” (million) years ago. When they left they left their bones behind.
2) Poem- "Axsky the T-Rex" by Taden Miller
"Axsky the baby T-Rex dinosaur"
Author: Taden Miller Written with the help of Michael and Maranda Miller.
(Anything in quotes was worded exactly by Taden.)
Axsky the T-Rex had no home
Taden’s mommy bought a clean hamster cage that became his throne
The cage had no bedding in it and Axsky had no where to lay his head
so Taden’s mommy and him made Axsky a very soft bed
they gave him a potty so that he would be clean
and a pillow “so he could sleep having great funny dreams”
"Taden and his mommy gave him meat every day"
His friends, "Beeko, Heeko, Hacko, and Heek" liked to play
"they played duck duck goose and type type type”
"and pretended that they were hamsters and pteranodons”
they played so hard but they never did gripe.
What we did.
3) Article- Did Dinosaurs Roar? Did Dinosaurs Roar?
What we learned.
They are bones after they die and their voice maker in their throat doesn't fossilize so we have no way of really knowing what dinosaurs sounded like.
What we did.
1) We made dinosaur eggs and shapes with pancakes.